Monday, October 8, 2007


Revolutionary finding! It is proven that consuming rambutan peels can help induce hair growth. A bunch of local scientists working their ass off for the past 2 years reported their finding to the media late yesterday. The soft hairy spines on the reddish leathery skin are found to be rich in keratin. (For you retards who never study Biology, keratin is a type of protein which makes up the primary component of hair fiber.) Finally a brilliant discovery from local talent. Who would have guessed that rambutan peels can actually contribute to hair growth? This breakthrough will definitely improve people's lives around especially offering a boost to self-esteem. (Nathan should be stocking up rambutans by now, still in excited state.) Be that as it may, there are sacrifices to this achievement. Dozens of innocent monkeys became guinea pigs to the research, losing their lives throughout the progress due to overfeeding of raw rambutan peels. Kesian betul. The now celebrated team of 5 also mentioned that there are certain ways to prepare rambutan peels for consumption. Tip #1: Boil them until they turn pinkish in colour then rinse them in cold water. They can be served with mayonaise or any salad dressing to enhance the taste. Tip #2: As an alternative, you can fry the rambutan peels with olive oil. Add sugar to your liking. Best served hot. Check the "Nation" section of The Star newspaper (8th October 2007), it shouldn't be hard to find. You know whom to blame if you couldn't. *Smirk*

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