Friday, January 18, 2008

Yee Sap Yee

One sohai turns twenty two today. This fellow is a loyal customer to Bou Bou Pan Mee. They should have given a special platinum member card just for him, to enjoy privileges such as discount and free meals. He is very much like Cyrus, his best friend. They are considered the aces of MSH,  the ulra-socialites of the group, who keep events going hot and boiling. But then Cyrus's sohainess is greater. Nabeh Cyrus, always curse me die and gugujiao patah

I'm just back from the unofficial celebration of Alwyn's birthday, at Free & Easy. It was a simple yumchar session but full of mirth nevertheless. Even Mr. Saw also pei min and joined. I have forgotten when was the last time I enjoyed playing Monopoly as much. Exchanged hollers, cursing each other into stepping on "death traps". How boisterous! Full of suspense too. Itu Sirusu balik Ipoh, if not sure lagi lively.

Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to wish Louhai (He sure has many aliases.) the best of health and hope he will not stay single this year. Thanks for being a friend, and the free rides you provided. Thanks also for the occasional translation help, for being a patient DotA team mate to bear with my noobness, and to whatever shit that I forgot to mention.

I dedicate this song by David Tao entitled "22" to you.

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